Comments for 1988 Sigma 362, Moon Shadow

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Jun 12, 2021
Sigma 362 Back Stay Configeration
by: ed


A friend is buying a Sigma 362 and showed me some pics of the back stay. I need to replace the lower section that connects to the 2 chainplates on the stern. Where can I find the length of that section of wire - from the eye of the chainplate to the eye of the tensioner? I'm 1,000 miles away from the boat.


Mar 09, 2021
Moon Shadow Crew Seeker
by: Nicky

Hi Paul,
I live near Exeter and see you need crew...what's your upper age limit for crew? Any gender preference?


May 21, 2020
I must go down to the sea again.
by: Trevot Lawrence

Great choice. I did my own odyssey, crossing the Atlantic to the Caribbean departing Brighton a bit late in 97 in a 27 footer. I spotted you are from Exeter, my own place of birth. so wished to offer my thoughts on anchor tackle. I had a CQR, a Bruce, Fortress as a stern/Kedge with a roll of flat line on the stern rail and a collapsible Fisherman type. 100ft chain, 300ft rode with an eye splice in one end and an additional 10M chain, All of which I was very thankful for at one time or another although I never used the Fisherman but I was still glad I had it. Can never have enough line on a boat and some means of shading the boat both at anchor and under way will be a god send, as will a way of forcing air into the boat and circulating it. All the best for your travels and try not to run out of money :)

Jan 08, 2020
Sigma 362 owners
by: Thomas

Hallo Paul,

Bought my 1987 Sigma 362 last year. She is a very nice old lady and my crew and I enjoy sailing with this fine boat.

I am interested to get some more information about your retrofit plans and would like to discuss your ideas. So please leave a note under .

Best regards

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