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How to Avoid Buying the Wrong Sailboat

Just how do you go about choosing a cruising sailboat from all the different designs and variations on offer?

Unless you apply some logical process to it, it's all too easy to end up with the wrong boat.

Allowing your heart to rule your head with these beguiling machines can lead to a deal of disappointment.

Wouldn't it be great to have a practical, no-nonsense approach which would avoid the many pitfalls?

Well, there is now - and it's a completely new way of going about it.

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First Time Atlantic Crossing

The day-by-day account of a cruising couple's first Atlantic crossing.

If you're thinking about making a long, ocean passage with your dearly beloved, then Mary Swift's ebook 'First Time Atlantic Crossing' is a must-read.

Incidentally, Mary Swift is now Mary McClary...

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Interactive Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator

Calculate the 5 most important Design Ratios for any sailboat with our popular 'Cheat Sheet'!

The 'Interactive Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator' comes with the eBooklet 'Understanding Design Ratios' which will help you make sense of the numbers. 

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Secrets of Sailboat Fishing

Never go fishless again!

“Fishing from a sailboat? Waste of time. Dragged the darn lure for hundreds of miles and never had a sniff of a bite. Must have added a day to the passage!”


"All we wanted was a couple of mackerel for dinner, but we ended up with canned tuna again..."

Sounds familiar? Then my ebook 'Secrets of Sailboat Fishing' is for you.

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Secrets of Buying Secondhand Boats

Spot those flaws and defects and get the best possible deal!

This ebook will provide you with the insight to more thoroughly inspect a used sailboat, together with the tips and techniques to close the deal should you decide to proceed.

The author, Andrew Simpson, is a professional marine surveyor, a yacht designer and boat builder with over 40 years of experience.

He's also a highly regarded yachting journalist and an offshore sailor with tens of thousands of sea miles under his keel.

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Secrets of Windvane Self-Steering

Understand these wonderful devices and get the one that suits your boat best.

"Just how do wind vane systems keep the boat on course?"

"I know there are different types of windvane self-steering systems available but how do they compare?"

"Does the size of my boat have any bearing on the vane gear I should choose?"

"My boat has a centre cockpit. Is there a vane gear design that's compatible with this type of layout?"

"My boat's got wheel steering. Does this rule out a windvane self-steering system?"

All good questions! The answers to which are set out - in detail - in this ebook.

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