The Sailboat Cruiser
(Our Free Monthly Newsletter)

Who's it for?

It's for sailboat owners, crew members or anyone who enjoys messing about in boats. If you fall into any of these categories, please subscribe to 'The Sailboat Cruiser'.

Bottom line? if you find this website interesting, then 'The Sailboat Cruiser' is for YOU!

If I sign up, what's in it for me?

Good question! The answer to which is pretty much anything in connection with sailboat cruising that we think might interest you; topics like:~

  • Interesting cruising boats, and the people that sail them;
  • Boatyards, marinas and anchorages;
  • Cruising boats advertised for sale by their owners;
  • Secondhand sailing gear for sale;
  • Liveaboards' corner;
  • Snippets from Alacazam's Caribbean cruising;
  • Stuff that works - and maybe stuff that doesn't;
  • What's happening on;
  • Sailing and fishing tips and advice;
  • Forthcoming events;
  • Yacht Clubs;
  • Cruisers' Beach Bars and so on...

What's it going to cost me?

Nothing of course - it's free...

Welcome Aboard!