The yacht services and facilities set up to serve cruising yachtsmen and charterers in this hugely popular cruising area can be found on just three saintly islands - St Croix, St John & St Thomas.
Unless you're an American, don't even think about sailing there from the BVI's unless you've got a US visa in your passport. You won't be made welcome without one...
Currency: US Dollars
Official Language: English
International Dialing Code: +1 340
Ports of Entry: St Croix (Gallows Bay at Christiansted), St John (Waterfront at Cruz Bay), St Thomas (Wharfside at the Ferry Dock).
If the particular Yacht Service or Facility that you're looking for isn't shown here, it means that it probably isn't available on this island. If you know differently, then please let us know...
St Croix
Green Cay Marina: ph (340) 773-1453;
Salt River Marina: ph (340) 778-9650;
St Croix Marine: ph (340) 773-0289;
St John
None known
St Thomas
American Yacht Harbor: ph (340) 775-6454;
Compass Point Marina: ph (340) 775-6144;
Crown Bay Marina: ph (340) 774-2255;
Fish Hawk Marina: ph (340) 775-9058;
Frenchtown Marina: ph (340) 777-9690;
Haulover Marine Yachting Center: ph (340) 776-2078;
Independent Boatyard: ph (340) 776-0466;
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 776-2078;
Yacht Haven Grande: ph (340) 774-9500;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Antilles Power: ph (340) 776-7000;
Compression Tech Services (St Thomas): ph (340) 642-3889;
Budget Marine: ph 779-2219;
Compression Tech Services (St Thomas): ph (340) 642-3889;
Lighthouse Marine: ph 774-4379;
Neptune Fishing Supplies: ph (340) 775-0115;
Offshore Marine: ph (340) 776-5432;
Ruan's Marine: ph 775-6346;
Yacht Chandlers: ph (340) 779-2248;
V.I. Techno Diesel: ph (340) 776-3080;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Caribbean Inflatable Service: ph (340) 775-6159;
Offshore Marine: ph (340) 776-5432;
St Croix
Anchor Dive Centre: ph (340) 778-1522;
Cane Bay Dive Shop: ph (340) 773-9913;
Dive Experience: ph (340) 773-3307;
Dive St Croix: ph (340) 773-3434;
SCUBA: ph (340) 773-5994;
Scubawest: ph (340) 772-3701;
St John
6-Paq Scuba: ph (340) 626-7700;
Cruz Bay Watersports: ph (340) 776-6234;
Low Key Watersports: ph (340) 693-8999;
St Thomas
Admiralty Dive Center: ph (340) 777-9802;
Aqua Action: ph (340) 775-6285;
Blue Island Divers: ph (340) 774-2001;
Caribbean Divers: ph (340) 775-6384;
Chris Sawyer Diving Center: ph (340) 777-7804;
Coki Beach Dive Club: ph (340) 775-4220;
Dive In: ph (340) 775-6100;
St Thomas Diving Club: ph (340) 776-2381;
Tony Baird: ph (340) 643-3697;
Underwater Safaris: ph (340) 774-1350;
Water World Outfitters: ph (340) 774-2992;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Bradford Aircraft & Marine: ph (340) 774-5811;
Martronics: ph (340) 998-0767;
TropiComm: (340) 775-4107;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 779-8426;
Bruno: ph (954) 288-8030;
Eddy Joseph: ph (340) 643-0734;
Kenny Pierre (of Kenny's Yacht Maintenance): ph (340) 998-9086;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 779-8426;
St Croix
C&J Laundromat: ph (340) 773-2036;
Harbor Laundromat: ph (340) 714-7672;
Johannes Laundry: ph (340) 778-7602;
Neighborhood Laundry: ph (340) 778-6138;
Sunny Isle Laundry: ph (340) 778-6606;
Tony's Laundromat: ph (340) 772-4580;
WFB Laundromat: ph (340) 773-8157;
Your Choice Laundry: ph (340) 715 3277;
St John
None known
St Thomas
Island Laundry & Dry Cleaners: ph (340) 774-4567;
Rodgers Laundromat: ph (340) 776-9697;
Washboard Laundry: ph (340) 774-8276;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Compression Tech Services: ph (340) 642-3889;
Offshore Marine: ph (340) 776-5432;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Reefco Marine Refrigeration: ph (340) 776-0038;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Island Rigging & Hydraulics: ph (340) 774-6833;
St Croix
Calypsew Canvas: ph (340) 719-2398;
Wesco Awning & Marine Canvas: ph (340) 778-9446;
St John
Canvas Factory & Lee Sails: ph (340) 776-6196;
Coral Bay Sails: ph (340) 776-6665;
St Thomas
Manfred Dietrich Canvas Works: ph (340) 774-4335;
MarineTech ph: (340) 774-4363;
Neptunes Loft: ph (340) 778-9446;
Quantum Sails: ph (340) 777-5638;
The Sail Loft (Doyle): ph (340) 775-1712;
Virgin Islands Canvas: ph (340) 774-3229;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 779-8426;
John McKay Carpentry: ph (340) 513-0116;
DM Woodworking: ph (340) 714-4978;
Alfred: ph (340) 474-1776;
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Reefco Marine Refrigeration: ph (340) 776-0038;
St Croix
Anthony Peel: (631) 926-2993;
St John
None known
St Thomas
Timothy J. Albano: (340) 513-0713;
Stephen Bajor: (340) 775-6363;
Todd A. Duff: (284) 542-1767;
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